Earl Sisco has lived in both Flint, Michigan and the West Coast; and here at Plan-A Radio, we LOVE love for the West Coast!

"Back 2 California" is a colorful and fresh summer joint that you can pop on with the whole family. If you've never been to California, Earl Sisco paints a nice picture of our great city.
The mix on this song is a bit rough which takes a bit of its bop quality, but as an indie platform, we understand artists need an opportunity to grow and team up with other producers and engineers who can tighten up their sound on a song. So if you are an indie artist reading this, reach out to Ink or Show and get connected in producers and engineers for opportunities to have your songs mixed and mastered by a certified member of the Plan-A Radio network.
Bop: This is definitely a summer song that is perfect for a backyard barbecue, and with the right mixing on the swing of this song, this could become a certified bop. "Back 2 California" has a funk influence that gives a real 90s vibe. Earl Sisco has lived in LA for some time and that has a clear influence on the production of this song and the imagery of the verses; not to mention, EARL SISCO CAN SANG, not sing SANG. When discussing the song, we all said, "If Snoop was on this song, it would be hit in LA." and I love a historically accurate song, peep the second verse and tell me which landmarks you hear? (Hint: one landmark referenced was the Watts Towers)
AirPods Quality: Be mindful, because of the rawness of the song, this may hit a bit pitchy in your airpods, but you'll still enjoy this song and its background elements without pause. This pitch is not as noticeable in your car or on your laptop... I checked 😉
Knock Value: As mentioned before, it is a bit pitchy, but adding too much knock to a song like this would only take away from the authenticity of Earl Sisco's message and the song. I think the elements of the track, as it is produced, are really genuine and perfect for a summer vibe. Sometimes we like a break from the BOOM BOOM THWAP in our ears. Give Earl Sisco a listen.
Misogyny Meter: This song is definitely appropriate for all audiences. There is the mention of lovely ladies and sunny beaches, and that's what California is all about, right!? Earl Sisco pays homage to his mother with his music, (see: Sounds Of My Mother's Music on Youtube HERE!), so we can be rest assured that he won't be offending the ladies with his music. And fortunately, this song is free of misogyny; it has an abundance of love for the West Coast (frequently referred to as the BEST coast) and shows love to his loved ones, including his sister, Sha'.
Make sure you check out Earl Sisco on Spotify and Instagram, linked below!
Ink, 2022